NEWTEXT_START  CHARACTER TEXT  The remainder of the character creation involves you typing in a few sentences about your character: what he or she looks like, or what they might say when other characters interact with them, etc. It's a lot of fun and makes for a more interesting and amusing game when everyone puts in their own text this way, but you don't have to. If you skip this part of the creation now, you can still add or change the text later on from within the game. I urge you to try it! Be as brief or verbose as you like. It's easy!  NEWTEXT_END DESC_START CHARACTER ENCOUNTER DESCRIPTION: Now enter a description of your character. This description will be displayed to another player if they run across you in the city. Use second-person point of view as if you are telling them what they see. EXAMPLE: You notice a man standing in the shadows watching you. From his collection of weapons you'd guess he's an exterminator. One that's been around a while and clearly knows to trust no one. He's waiting for you to make the first move... DESC_END DOSS_START CHARACTER DOSSIER: Exterminators are able to access a central computer and get info on other people in the city. The text you enter here will be displayed along with some other general stats when anyone looks you up in this central database. Use third-person prose this time. EXAMPLE: John Doe is a thin, wirey man with a hot temper. He has a military background but was dishonourably discharged for 'taking things into his own hands'. He has a scar on his forehead and is missing his ring-finger. Use extreme caution. DOSS_END TALK_START CHARACTER TALK TEXT: Other players will encounter you in the city. If they don't attack you straight off, they may try talking with you. This text will be displayed then. Use a second-person point of view, as if you are telling a story. EXAMPLE: As you open your mouth, John Doe draws a gun and trains it on your head before you get the first syllable out. "You're not thinking of trying anything stupid I hope. On second thought, try something..." TALK_END WON_START CHARACTER VICTORY TEXT: If another player attacks you, but you win, this text is displayed. EXAMPLE: John Doe towers over your crumpled body and levels his gun with your forehead. "Should've kept clear enough alone, boy..." WON_END LOST_START CHARACTER DEATH TEXT: The following text will be displayed if another character kills you. EXAMPLE: "Come on and kill me boy, what the hell are you waiting for?" John Does lies on the ground, staring up at you and coughing; just waiting for you to drop the hammer... LOST_END